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DMSO - The Miracle Healer?

What does it do? & How to Use It

February 16, 2023

DMSO - A Life Saver (Literally)

In 2020 I made a decision to become 100% responsible for the health of myself and my family. As such I started researching some of the most potent healing substances that have literally been hidden from us, and one of these was DMSO.

I started my DMSO journey in 2020 when I saw a video talking about how healing it was. I got excited and I bought some. For 6 months that sat in my cupboard as I really didn’t know what to do with it or how to use it.

I did a bit more exploration and learned it was great for relieving arthritic pain.

My Mum was my first patient as she suffered with terrible arthritic pain in her shoulders. Within the first application she got an immense amount of pain relief and she still uses it daily.

From there on, I have done more research into DMSO, what it is, how it works, what conditions it can help and of course how to use it.

Thankfully, I had this knowledge when my Dad had a stroke in November 2022 and it stopped the stroke in its tracks and reversed it - read on for more on that.

I realise this information is far too important not to share. Everyone should have a bottle of this in their medicine cabinet for their own families!


What is DMSO and Why Have I not Heard Much About It?

Like many substances that pose a threat to big pharmaceutical companies, the information on DMSO has been hugely suppressed. It has so many healing attributes - that this one substance alone would wipe out the need for a large percentage of pharmaceutical drugs.

There has actually been a lot of research into it, and even hospitals use it to this day for the safe and sterile environment it provides for organ transplants.

DMSO stands for Dimethyl Sulfoxide. It is a completely natural substance extracted from trees. It is what give trees their strength and rigidity, and is a byproduct of the paper industry (it is removed so that paper can bend and flex).

It was first discovered in 1866, but its true potential wasn’t realised until the 1950’s when Dr Stanley Jacob explored it’s potential to use with transplant organs. After that it was Dr Jacob really pioneered the research into the substance.

DMSO is an organosulphur compound. It has a sulphur central unit with 2 methyl groups on the side and an oxygen molecule.

As human beings we tend to be very sulphur deficient. We have 4 main amino acids that contain sulphur in our body, 2 of which are essential for our cellular functions.



How Does DMSO Work?

You can think of sulphur as the particles that create a bridge to help your connective tissues to knit together.

Sulphur is also vital for glutathione production in the liver which helps to remove waste from the blood and the tissues. Glutathione is a master antioxidant, you can read more about glutathione and vaccine detox here.

Studies have found that DMSO has an interesting relationship with water and actually uses water to propel itself and get through the body very quickly. As such it has the ability to increase blood flow, delivering oxygen to where it's needed.

People who have had a serious injury like a break or a sprain have applied DMSO, the healing is so rapid, that in a short time it is as though there was never any injury there at all.

This is because DMSO can get rapid blood flow to the injury, expediting the healing process and therefore negating the need for swelling and inflammation.

What Does DMSO Do For The Body?

  • One of the main benefits and most common uses of DMSO is for pain relief - it’s a true nerve blocker and has analgesic properties. You can use DMSO to substitute NSAIDS (pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories which destroy your gut) and it’s safer and more effective than aspirin.
  • DMSO can breaks down calcium deposits (primary cause of arthritis and cataracts)
  • It is a diuretic and it will cleanse the kidneys.
  • It is a muscle relaxant
  • It will penetrate the skin and is completely transdermal. This means you can use it with other substances to get nutrients through the skin to exactly where they are needed.
  • It increases delivery of oxygen to cells
  • It can expedite the healing processes and minimising the need for inflammatory response.
  • It helps to rebuild tissue
  • It increases blood flow by dilating blood vessels and reducing blood platelet stickiness.
  • It enables movement of materials in the body and the detoxification of metals
  • It enables a functional change in malignant cells and helps with cancer cases.
  • It’s radio protective, so you can take it ahead of a procedure like an Xray to protect your cells from radiation damage.
  • It aids tissue healing and recovery.


What Conditions Can You Use DMSO For?

Any condition that causes pain or inflammation.

(Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, scoliosis, auto immune conditions etc)

Breaks and Sprains

Any injury to tissue as it expedites the healing of tissue and bone

Organ Inflammation 

Because of it’s transdermal abilities it can support organ inflammation - in particular can support the liver to assist with detoxing


It’s detox abilities mean that healing eczema is often a side effect

Heart Attack and Stroke  

It’s ability to get blood moving and dissolve clots can save a life (see my own testimonial below - how my Dad FULLY recovered from Stroke in less than 2 hours.)


Using DMSO can prevent post concussion syndrome


Ears and eyes healing for sinuses

Dental care


How to use DMSO

Before using DMSO it is important to know what to expect.

I would never recommend that you apply DMSO to your skin neat. Although it will not cause any lasting damage, for around an hour or so it will feel very itchy and uncomfortable. The area will appear inflamed, but this is because it is increasing the blood flow to the area.

When using higher doses of DMSO your skin may go a little thick and leathery, but again this is temporary and will return to normal in a few days.

When I first started using DMSO, I mixed a 70% DMSO with 30% distilled water, but it still itched like crazy and was pretty uncomfortable. Since then, I have found its perfect partner which stops the very uncomfortable itch and that is Magnesium oil.

Magnesium oil can be incredibly important for your health, as it can strengthen the bones and teeth, boost muscle growth, protect the skin, aid sleep and lower blood pressure. It can also manage diabetic symptoms, reduce arthritis, lessen the discomfort of menstruation, soothe headaches, and eliminate pain.. For more on the benefits of magnesium - please see this article.

An interesting side note is that when used on it's own magnesium oil will also irritate the skin, but when used with DMSO, they cancel out the itch (incredible but true!!).

Please also note that when you mix DMSO with another substance whether water or magnesium oil, you will get an exothermic reaction - this means you will feel the bottle warm up in your hands. It’s completely normal, so don’t worry.

For general day to day use and for aches and pains, I alway have a 50/50 DMSO/Magnesium Oil in the house. (For instructions to make magnesium oil - it’s cheap and easy - scroll down article)

I always use glass bottles, you can either use a spray or dropper.

Directions for use.

  1. Rub onto clean dry skin up to 4 x times a day (if required). Rub into skin, and do not cover with clothes for around 20 minutes or until it has dried.
  2. Do not use on broken skin.
  3. Wash your hands straight after application.
  4. Because of the nature of DMSO - it could carry particles of clothing or dirt through the skin with it, hence why the area must be clean.
  5. Also note that you will likely get a garlicky taste in your mouth (this is temporary) this is the sulphur compounds in the DMSO and is completely natural.

Specific DMSO Protocols

Always ensure the area of skin you are applying DMSO to is clean and dry. Do not cover with clothes until skin is touch dry or 20 mins have passed (I know I am repeating myself but it's important).

While there are a few specific protocols, the best recommendation I can make is to get comfortable using it. This way, it becomes more intuitive to use in times of emergency and you feel can feel confident in applying it.

When I talk about using DMSO I am referring to using it on the skin unless I specifically say to use orally.

The concentration of DMSO you decide to use may depend on the severity of pain that is being experienced. It’s not recommended to go over 80% - but it is entirely up to you.


Here is a little overview for different concentrations.

20% for using on children

30% if you have super sensitive skin

40% for sensitive tissues (ear, nose etc

50% Maximum for taking orally or for applying to face or neck.

60% max for sensitive skin

70% general use topical

80% stronger application


Specific Protocols (As shared by Amandha Vollmer)

Heart Attack and Stroke Protocol

DMSO increases the blood flow and this is essential for those having a heart attack or a stroke as the blood is not flowing to the tissue properly.

At best, you can actually stop a heart attack or stroke by using DMSO immediately. At worst, it will certainly help people to have a better outcome - and prevent any negative after effects.

  • 50% solution by mouth a teaspoon (be warned it tastes horrible) mix it with juice to mask it
  • 50/50 DMSO / Magnesium oil over neck, temples, spine and heart area (heart attack)
  • Continue every 2 hours.

Cataract protocol

Cataracts are a calcium deposit that DMSO can dissolve.

Use DMSO between 20-40% with sterile saline solution. Apply once or twice a day and it cures cataracts

Tooth protocol

80% DMSO add a few drops of iodine and vitamin C. Apply to an abcess and it will go away quickly.


DMSO and Pets

DMSO can be safely used on pets. In fact, vets and horse owners have been using it for many years. To use on a pet, I would recommend the 50/50 DMSO and Magnesium Oil (increase DMSO depending on level of pain) - apply to an area where there is more skin than fur like belly or ears or massage into joints ensuring it gets contact with skin. As always clean area first.


DMSO Awareness (Things you need to know)

If you are on medication do not take DMSO at the same time, leave a couple of hours in between.

Exercise caution when applying to babies or small children - only use on small areas and a weak concentration.

Don’t use it in Enemas.

Don’t put clothes on until dry - or left around 20 mins

DMSO has a relatively high freezing point of 18.5 °C (65.3 °F) this means that at just below room temperature it is a solid. I keep mine in an airing cupboard, but you can defrost it simply by placing into a basin of hot water.


Personal Testimonials

My Mum was my first success story, from having painful arthritis in her shoulders the DMSO has helped her regain motion and she is pain free.

My Dad would apply it for her, and this was when we found out about it’s blood thinning abilities. My Dad has always had issues with “Sticky blood” and has suffered both stroke and double pulmonary embolism at different times in the past.

My Dad was on pharmaceutical blood thinners at the time of applying the DMSO to my Mum and he started to get a nose bleed. At the time he decided it was best to not use the DMSO. We discussed it and I suggested he might perhaps want to swap the pharmaceutical drugs for the DMSO. He agreed to try it.

He has his own blood pressure and blood oxygen meters so he could keep an eye on his stats while he did this. And we found it was a success, subsequent blood tests at the doctors turned out fine. (He also uses a cold laser device as this also helps with balancing blood pressure, blood sugar and blood consistency)

This year however, we have all had a crazy year, and Dad lapsed in applying the DMSO and got out of the habit. It was in November he got a reality check and experienced another stroke, luckily I was on hand with the DMSO - here’s our story:


Another success was a friend who was telling me about his scoliosis and the daily pain he was in. The NHS had washed their hands of him and told him there’s nothing they could do other than pain management.

He was on strong and addictive pain killers, and all the did was take the edge of the pain off for him. He also knew he was going to get terrible withdrawal from using them because of the addictive nature of the medication.

I made him up a 60/40 DMSO /magnesium oil to try. I didn’t expect what happened next.

He contacted me the next day in absolute shock, telling me he was completely pain free and sent me a little video of him dancing around saying he hadn’t been able to do this for years!

He persevered through the withdrawal and is now free of the medication!

This is just my own personal experiences. If you have any testimonials, I would love to hear them and share them with your permission.



I primarily learned about DMSO from Amandha Vollmer she has a book out called "Healing with DMSO" which includes more protocols to use. This can be purchased from most book retailers including Amazon.


Where to Buy DMSO

It is important to buy high quality DMSO. The one I use is imported from America and can be purchased here:


How to Make Magnesium Oil

Making magnesium oil really is so simple. You mix equal parts magnesium flakes (magnesium chloride flakes or epsom salts) and distilled water (say a cup of each) stir them until dissolved and store in a jar.


Closing Thoughts

I have had confirmation after confirmation on how powerful DMSO is. As I am not a doctor nor an expert, I can’t recommend that you use it. But what I do recommend as a sovereign human being is that you start taking 100% responsibility for your health. That you get comfortable with this way of being. That you just start building confidence with using substances like DMSO & CDS.

As ever, only ever do what feels right and resonates with you.



I am not a doctor. I share only my personal experience for informational purposes. My only goal is to help you to become empowered with your health.




Information from this website, including videos, graphics, images, and pages (“content”) is entirely for informational purposes only. Uses of this information are entirely the responsibility of those who choose to apply this information for their personal health and/or wellbeing. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you many have regarding a medical condition. This information is not intended as medical advice, prescription, prognosis, treatment or diagnosis for any disease or illness, and should not be used as a replacement for any medical treatment you may currently be undergoing.


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