There is so much I want to say about this humble substance. I want to convey how important it is for your physicial, emotional and energetic body.
You have probably heard a lot about the benefits of Himalayan or other whole salts, and I will expand upon those later in this post.
(I hope it goes without saying that white table salt is very bad for you and full of nasties, and if you have any in your cupboard, I would recommend you only use it for melting ice!)
The lesser known benefits of salt are the incredible impact on cellular health at an electrical and energetic level, making them profoundly essential to balancing our health on all levels.
Later in this post I will also show you the most simple and inexpensive way of taking this in an ionic or colloidal form so it is absorbed rapidly at cellular level.
Salt Activates Your Body's Full Electrical Potential
Plants obtain their electrical energy from the Sun and store it as plasma. When we eat plants and fruits right from nature, we are consuming this stored plasma. The problem is the second we pick fruit from the vines and trees they begin to loose their plasma and by the time they make it to your hand - the plasma has diminished.
This plasma is pure life energy and it’s one of the many factors that activate our body's electrical potential. Everything we need to activate this electric potential is all around us. The ocean, the earth, the plants, the fruits all contain this plasma which we turn into electric energy. Consuming real salt is a great way to put your body back into an electrical state and help you to see an amazing shift in health.
I invite you to watch this fascinating 13 minute video below where Dr Robert Young explains the vital importance of salt for the electrical functions of your cells.
Here is a summary from Dr Youngs website on the benefits of salt:
- Our bodies contain almost 450 grams of salt and each day we need to replenish the salt used by our bodies to maintain our normal health, vibrancy and alkaline design.
- Salt plays a big part in helping the body to digest food and turn them into living tissues, as well as helping to transmit nerve impulses that contract the muscles. In order for the cells of the body to function normally, a salt/water balance must be maintained. Salt is also necessary for making the sodium bicarbonate the body needs to alkalize the food we eat to maintaining the alkalinity of the blood and lymph fluids.
- When you are tired and/or fatigued and need energy that is the need for salt. All sugar cravings are the need for salt.
- Salt is the ion of life in which all energy is transported. Without salt there is no life.
- Salt is what keeps the spirit body connected or joined with the physical body and mental body.
Not All Salt is Made Equal
Natural Health expert Philip Day & Dr Mercola have plenty to say on the benefits of using Himalayan Pink Salt:
‘Your table salt is actually 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents and iodine. Dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt causing the potential for a myriad of health problems in your body.’ – Dr Joseph Mercola
Common table salt is a poison, refined from Nature’s storehouse to remove all elements but sodium chloride. Some say we ended up with this particular compound due to industry’s colossal use of it. Whatever the reason, table salt is not real ‘salt’ and its dangers are well touted:
- It destabilises blood pressure
- Can cause cellulite, kidney stones and rheumatism
- Upsets your fluid balance
- Acts as a diuretic (expels water from cells)
- Thereby a cell-toxin
- Contains the endocrine disrupters, fluoride and iodine
- Contains fillers such as calcium carbonate and aluminium hydroxide, the latter aluminium implicated in Alzheimer’s Disease
Some PR job to convince the world we need it, eh?
Yet ‘salt’ is essential for the body’s systems. Farmers know if they don’t put out the salt blocks for their cattle, they die. Nobody questions why doctors put seriously ill people on a saline drip. It should be real salt as Nature intended, not the truncated, worse-than-useless mess made of it in the refining process.
Enter the King of all salts, Himalayan crystallized salt, or ‘white gold‘ as it’s come to be known (light pink gold, actually). Mercola declares this mother-of-all-salts:
- Regulates the water content throughout your body
- Balances excess acidity from your cells, particularly your brain cells
- Balances your blood sugar levels and helps reduce your aging rate
- Assists in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body and absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract
- Helps clear mucus plugs and phlegm from your lungs – particularly useful in asthma and cystic fibrosis
- Acts as a strong natural antihistamine to help clear up congestion in your sinuses
- Prevents muscle cramps
- Makes the structure of your bones firm – osteoporosis can occur when your body needs more salt and takes it from your bones
- Regulates your sleep – it is a natural hypnotic
- Maintains your libido
- Prevents varicose veins and spider veins on your legs and thighs
- Stabilizes irregular heartbeats – in conjunction with water, [salt] is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressure
Himalayan salt is sodium chloride plus 84 other minerals in its natural, crystalline form, all ready to feed metabolic processes the way Nature intended.
Salt Solé - The Elixir of Life?
Solé (pronounced Solay) is essentially water that has been fully saturated with a natural salt. The saturation point is only 26% salt of the entire solution giving you the perfect ratio of water to salt making it safe to consume. The salt is in an ionic state and therefore much easier for your cells to absorb.
The term Solé comes from the Latin “Sol” (Solar) meaning Sun and Soul. I guess the ancients knew a thing or two about this special elixir.
How to Make Sole
The only ingredients are salt and water so the recipe is pretty simple. You’ll also need a glass jar with a plastic or non-metal lid. I used a mason jar.
Here’s what to do…
- A Glass Jar ( I used a wide-mouth mason jar)
- A plastic or non-metal lid
- 1-2 cups of Himalayan Salt
- Filtered water

- Fill the jar about 1/4 of the way with Himalayan Salt
- Add filtered water to fill the jar, leaving about an inch at the top.
- Put on the lid and shake the jar gently.
- Leave overnight to let the salt dissolve.
- The next day, if there is still some salt on the bottom of the jar, the water has absorbed its maximum amount of salt and the Sole is ready to use.
- If all of the salt is absorbed, add more salt and continue doing so each day until some remains. This means that the water is fully saturated with the salt.
To use: Mix 1 tsp of the Sole in to a glass of water and consume every morning on an empty stomach. Do not use a metal utensil to measure or touch the Sole with any metal object.
I am not a doctor and don’t play one on the internet. As with any health advice, consult a qualified practitioner before adding any new supplements, especially if pregnant, nursing or if you have a medical condition.
How to Use Sole
Make the mixture as above and store at room temp. It will last indefinitely as salt is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. More water and salt can be added as needed to keep up the amount in the jar.
To drink, add 1 tsp to a full glass of water each morning before eating or drinking anything else. You can have up to 3 a day although I normally have the one in the morning and another in the afternoon when I need the energy boost.
Taken regularly, that small amount will give you everything your body needs to function more efficiently and most importantly giving it life boosting nutrients allowing it the balance it needs to heal.
I buy my Himalayan Salt in bulk (25kg bags), it works out much more cost effect that way and lasts a long time. You can also add it to your cooking or to a bath to get full benefits from it.
Oh and while I think about it, salt doesn't just balance your energy on the inside but also can be used to balance the atmosphere around you with a gorgeous salt lamp.

I hope you found this informative and that you now understand the importance of adding a Salt Solé to your daily routine.
Much Love x