New Earth Healing
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New Earth Healing
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Heal Yourself and Be Empowered
Thank you for visiting my corner of the internet. I hope that you find the information provided empowering and will encourage you to seek more answers for your personal wellbeing journey.
Part of my mission is to empower you with health sovereignty and self healing modalities, to help you find harmony balance and healing within yourself.
I want you to realise the powerful being that you are and I intend to help you on your journey of empowerment, healing & self discovery.
Karen Richardson x
Health Empowerment Guide
New Earth Healing
It was around 10 years ago that I discovered that the pharmaceutical industry was corrupt and really had one interest - keeping us sick. Afterall, they don't make money from healthy people.
Over that time, I built a wealth of knowledge on natural health, emotional healing and spiritual wellbeing. Healing the body is so much more simple than we have been led to believe. You see our natural state is health and the cellular wisdom we have will always strive for that balance, and heal us.
All we need to do is:
- Remove the toxins that prevent healing from taking place.
- Ensure we are getting the nutrients we need.
My "Healing library" blog is full of information of hidden health protocols that will help you to achieve physical states of true health with surprisingly simple and inexpensive remedies. They could be considered 'cure alls' across the board, but all they do is restore your body to a natural state of equilibrium.
Oftentimes, healing is required on an emotional level as well. We bring emotional trauma from our child hood, bad experiences and even from past generational wounds. A simple awareness around your emotions can help to release so much of the 'baggage' that you have carried with you, freeing you up to become whole again.
I do believe this information should be available to all for free. As such I do not make an income from sharing this information with you.
I would like to invite you to take a look at my 'Recommended Products'. I share products that I personally use and endorse, and if you decide to buy from me I make a small commission. You do not pay any extra for the products that you buy from me, but you help me to carry on my work and support my family at the same time, for which, I am very grateful to you.
By landing on my website, it’s likely you already sense that there’s more to reality than just the physical world we perceive with our five senses—sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing.
Perhaps you’ve had an experience that defies conventional scientific explanation, and you’re not willing to dismiss it just because it doesn’t fit within the current mechanistic view. Or maybe your belief in spirit, informed by spiritual or religious faith and experiences, makes it easy for you to see material reality as an expression of spirit, capable of being influenced by consciousness and spiritual intention.
You might also have encountered vibrational medicine through healing practices like acupuncture, homeopathy, flower essences, or yoga.
Whatever your journey, you’re likely open to exploring healing methods that go beyond traditional medical science to include broader and deeper perspectives.
Vibrational medicine doesn’t aim to disprove medical science; rather, it builds upon it in transformative ways. It also uncovers the fundamental principles that make many aspects of traditional medicine effective, thereby validating human experiences that predate the scientific method.
Throughout history, healing practices have respected and understood the connection between body, mind, and spirit, both within individuals and in relationship to all life and consciousness.
Heal Yourself
The remedies big pharma don't want you to know aboutMarch 20, 2021 · Hidden Healing Remedies,Cancer,DetoxJanuary 8, 2025February 28, 2024 · Hidden Healing Remedies,Healing Technology,Heart Health,StrokeJuly 23, 2024 · Root Causes,Cancer,DetoxJune 13, 2024 · Hidden Healing Remedies,ArthritisMay 29, 2024 · Healing Technology,Hidden Healing RemediesMore Posts
Information from this website, including videos, graphics, images, and pages (“content”) is entirely for informational purposes only. Uses of this information are entirely the responsibility of those who choose to apply this information for their personal health and/or wellbeing. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you many have regarding a medical condition. This information is not intended as medical advice, prescription, prognosis, treatment or diagnosis for any disease or illness, and should not be used as a replacement for any medical treatment you may currently be undergoing.
This site does contain some affiliate links. You do not pay more to buy from my links, but I get a small commission to help support my family if you do use them. I only affiliate to products I wholeheartedly recommend and use myself. Sending you much gratitude in advance for any purchases you make with my links.
Personal statement:
I, Karen Richardson, am a private civilian protected by the Geneva Convention. My social media and websites https://www.new-earth-healing.com/ and http://healing-with-frequency.com are based on my personal experiences, observations and opinions.
This information is for educational purposes only. I am not a doctor and I am not providing legal or medical advice to you or to the wider public.
The responsibility for the interpretation, due diligence and use of the information from my websites or social media lies with you, the viewer and reader.
Please do your research and use your discernment.
It is not my intention to harass, intimidate, offend, defame, mislead, conspire, coerce or cause anxiety, alarm or distress to any man or woman.
Any information presented here is done so with peaceful and honourable intentions.
Created by Karen Richardson New Earth Healing ©2024