No More Disease?
If someone showed you something that could eradicate all dis-ease that allowed the body to cure itself, you'd probably think they were crazy. Surely if such a thing existed, it would be available everywhere and all the doctors would be recommending it..... Or would they?
Unfortunately, these health protocols are hidden from the public because they would bring an end to the pharmaceutical giants, who, remember, only make money if you're sick!
Sadly the controlled narrative around these products is that they are dangerous or harmful. If that was really the truth, do you think that the men who have brought these incredible protocols to us would be walking free? Do you think that there would be thousands and thousands of testimonials of people who have healed from many different diseases thanks to these protocols.
So are these protocols genuine? In my opinion they are, but I'll let you form your own opinion. Please read on....
This is a long post with informational videos. I recommend you absorb all that I share. Please bookmark this blog post so you can come back to it if required. We cover what MMS / CDS (also known as clo2) is and how it works, how to make CDS, and I also share where to buy and links to more resources so you can fully research for yourself. Edit: since writing this blog, I have added a section on CDS with Covid 19, vaccinations and Spike Proteins.
A Miracle?
On my quest into true health, a friend introduced me to CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution). This solution has been developed by Andreas Kalcker and is a progression of MMS the Miracle Mineral Solution originally discovered by Jim Humble.
It's one thing to be shown a 'miracle' health protocol, but I like to properly research and understand what these protocols do for you, how they work, and some background on them.
As I am not a medical professional, I cannot recommend that you take any kind of health protocol, but I can certainly recommend that you do some research yourself and I am happy to point you in the right direction, please read on.
On my health journey, I have learned that dis-ease is primarily caused by two things - toxicity and acidic & anaerobic environment of the body's cells. What makes this substance so incredibly effective is that it uses OXYGEN to detoxify and simultaneously alkalise your body. This process allows the cells in your body to heal themselves and restore your natural equilibrium of health.
For a full list of benefits and what CDS can protect you from go here:
What is MMS / CDS?
Let me share with you the story of MMS discovered by Jim Humble in this beautiful 30 minute film made by Sacha Stone. (Be sure to bookmark this page if you need to come back to this later.)
Now you have met Jim, who I think we can agree is a very humble soul. His story and all the subsequent testimonials are nothing short of miraculous.
Now I'd like to introduce you to Andreas Kalcker, who has passionately worked alongside Jim, and refined the MMS to create CDS which is just as effective but a little easier on our systems. (This is the one I am taking).
In this fascinating interview with Andreas, he covers more of the science involved with CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) and how it works
I was blown away at how CDS uses oxygen to literally "burn" any pathogens (including viruses, bad bacteria, parasites, etc) in the body. (I can assure you, that you do not experience any burning sensations though.)
To help you to understand, here is a quote from Andreas' book
The minute we are born, we start breathing and filling our lungs with the most abundant oxidant in the world: oxygen (O2 )! Oxygen allows us to survive on our own and is vital to our lives. For starters, we fill the red blood cells in our lungs with oxygen, eliminating the “polluting” CO2 through exhalation. We are just doing the same thing a combustion engine does, only more efficiently. Aside from taking in oxygen and eliminating CO2 , we also alkalinize the body with every breath we take.
I highly recommend purchasing a copy of Andreas Kalcker's Book
Forbidden Health (Click Here) to get a full understanding of how this incredible solution works along with other forbidden "cures" hidden from society.
How to make CDS?
In this Video, Andreas walks you through the process of making CDS.
CDS is the Chlorine Dioxide gas dissolved into water. I can assure you it is a simple process, but it's important to pay attention to how it is made.
I have found that some people have found Andreas's video a little confusing on how to make CDS. I have therefore made a video on how I make it up. It's slightly different, and more simple.
Which method you choose to use is entirely up to you.
Important notes:
I recommend getting a litre sports bottle - preferably brown or red to stop ultra violet light getting in) for when you are taking your protocol.
I use Protocol C which is 10ml CDS in one litre of water to be sipped over an 8 hour period.
For other protocols please see a list below.
Store your CDS in the fridge. CDS does not go off, but it loses potency over time. It will only last a few days if you don't keep it in the fridge - where as it lasts a few weeks in the fridge.
I keep some CDS in spray bottle as well, it's very handy for treating cuts or wounds. It's painlessly disinfects and prevents or treats infection. As with the other CDS water, ensure you change it every few weeks so you always have a potent spray on hand. I also spray my fruit and veg with it to safely kill any nasties that maybe lurking on the surface, and it helps them to last longer.
CDS Protocols
Most people tend to use protocol C in this list of protocols - but if you have a specific ailment I recommend you refer to the specific protocol. I have listed these on a different page. These have been copied from Andreas Kalckers own website.
My Personal Experience with CDS
I chose to take CDS as more of a preventative health protocol to regularly detox and alkalise my cells. I decided to do a basic protocol which is 10ml of CDS solution in 1 litre of filtered water. Basicially you sip it over a period of 8 hours (I take a couple of mouthfuls every hour)
By taking sips throughout the day, the dose is never high enough to cause oxidative damage because antioxidant defenses can keep up with production of reactive molecules.
I decided to take it for 2 weeks straight to start, and I now just take it twice a week for prevention of dis-ease.
I figured my first couple of days would possibly cause some discomfort as I have 47 years worth of toxic build up, and I was right, I got very fatigued and on day two a banging headache (pretty typical detox responses) by day 3 I felt fine, in fact I felt more energetic!
I don't have any health issues (that I'm aware of), but my husband is ex forces and has PTSD. He has needed medication to help him deal with stress, and we have tried numerous health foods and supplements in the past to help him get off the anti depressants and none have worked.
I did wonder if perhaps there was some toxicity causing a chemical imbalance, and figured the CDS might help him. To date he is off of his medication, and feeling good! For us - this is huge.
CDS and Covid 19 / Spike Proteins / mRNA Vaccines
Whatever your feeling around Covid 19, it has certainly sparked much debate, including those around Germ vs Terrain theory.
Whatever your beliefs around this, I think we can all agree, that a healthy terrain (cellular body) wins against pathogens, and that is what CDS helps to create.
A clinical study has been performed using CDS with Covid patients - the conclusion was this:
Chlorine dioxide is effective in the treatment of COVID19 and the mechanisms of action by which it acts to achieve it are proposed in this work. We recommend doing more research. We recommend conducting double-blind studies and delving into studies of toxicological safety and therapeutic efficacy of chlorine dioxide in pathologies of epidemiological impact in the near future.
Right now there are concerns around the spike proteins created by the vaccinations and possible transmission. At the moment there is a lot of speculation around this, and nothing is known for sure. It is assumed that the spike proteins generated by the mRNA vaccines are transmitting to others.
Andreas Kalcker has released a statement on how CDS helps deactivate Graphene Oxide and kills all variants and spike protiens created by the covid vaccines.
Tips When taking CDS
While on the CDS, it is best to plan your meals around your dosing. Space out the CDS doses and meals by 20 to 30 minutes from the time you take your dose. For example, if you take your CDS dose at 8:00 am, breakfast could be at 8:20-8:30 am, and your next dose at 9:00 am. Likewise if you take a dose at 12 noon, lunch could be at 12:30 pm and so on.
When taking MMS or CDS avoid alcohol, chocolate, coffee, decaffeinated coffee, caffeinated drinks, tea (black, green and many herbal teas) milk, coconut water, orange juice, tangerine juice or any drinks with added Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
Do not take foods or supplements that are particularly high in antioxidants such as Moringa, as these things cancel out the effectiveness of MMS or CDS. This is not to say you cannot have any of these foods if you are taking MMS or CDS.
When on a particular protocol it is better to wait until you finish your doses for the day before consuming the above items, or take them first thing in the morning, then wait two hours before starting MMS dosing. Space them out by at least two hours after your last daily dose, or two hours before starting your daily dosing.
Further Resources